Sometimes when its late at night and my home is still my mind wanders. It journeys to many different places , memories of my yesterdays ,sometimes recounting my day and imaginings ,my hopes, and my dreams for my tommorrows.
My rememberings are always wrapped up in my children and lots of fun times. Tonight I put on a taped bed time story for my little boys to listen to. It was called Magic Shoelaces.
It was a story that I used to listen to with my 4 eldest children when they were little. As I sat on the edge of my sons bed, I watched my boys faces light just the same way that I had seen before with my older sons. I mouthed the words as they came out of the recorder and to my amazement I even remembered every word to the funny song at the end..(be careful what you wish wish for wish for careful what you wish for might come true!!!)
Its funny how my brain can't recall mathematical equations, the right spelling of words,or even where I put the car keys an hour ago and yet silly songs from the era of the donutman, psalty the singing song book, S club, and many more..(believe me, my heads full of them hehe!) are so fresh in my head.
All these songs are attached to my children and my heart is absolutely filled to brimming over as I breath in every memory.
I dont want to miss any of this, not one single day. I don't care if I struggle financially , if I have to sell my home as long as I can live every moment I can with my children. Time goes by so fast. My 2 eldest are all grown up and my 3rd son is preparing to leave the nest very soon . There is nothing I can do to slow that process down and it saddens me that it moves far too quickly.
I thank God every day for the blessing of my children, each one has a special place in my heart that seems to make it burst at the seams...and then the unbelievable happens one of your children has a child and somehow your heart finds a way to stretch a little more and amazingly keeps beating without imploding!
Little Zev , my first grandchild has taken up residence in my heart amongst my children
and added to this is my son,Anyerins wife and Zevs Mum, Jamie and lovely Miriam ,Rhyss girlfriend/fiance of 7 yrs. My heart feels like its spinning out of control and there are days that I can actually feel it beating inside of my chest.
I pray that my heart will not self combust as each child marries and has their children. I hope my heart can contain it... just think..7 children with 7 spouses ..thats 14 if every couple has 2 children ...thats 14 grandbabys and 14 extra places in my heart.. wow .... thats 28 people to love and hold in my if there were 3 grandchildren ... thats 21 grandchildren plus 14 equals 35..CRIKEY!!! Lord expand my heart now....LOL!!
If you are contemplating having children, I can highly recommend it.. be prepared , however for you never to be the same. Having children changes everything...nothing will ever be the same again in your life, you will never have a life starved of love and cuddles or smiles or giggles.I pray every day that as much as I have learnt to hold my children tight, that through Gods grace I will know the time to be open handed with them in order to let them fly and be all that God has called them to be.
Enjoy these days , make the most of every moment day you will blink and these days will have gone .
Slow down........YOUR GONNA MISS THIS!!
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