Especially for Elspeth:
I went to our ladies monthly meeting this morning and listened to a beautiful woman by the name of Sonia Richardson. She taught me so much ..that I will share in bulletins over the coming weeks .
One amazing thing she shared was about eagles.
Now we all know the scripture that tells us ;
"But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint."
Well did you know that the eagle is the only creature that has been created with the ability to renew its own life force.
The most dangerous threat to the life of an eagle is the tumors that grow either side of the beak and between the talons. These tumors develop at the age of around forty or fifty years and when on the beak, the sight is drastically impaired and the poor bird will kill itself flying into cliffs and trees. Likewise the talons, the tumrs prevent the bird from picking up its prey.
The majority of male eagles choose a younger mate and, with a life span of approximately sixty years, they will do anything to prolong their life of sharing.
And so God , in all his wisdom instilled in them a miraculous ritual that gives the ability to add up to twenty years to their life.
When the tumors become a threat, the eagle will fly up into the atmosphere and towards the sun, always choosing an area above water mass. He will fly so high that the pressure is powerful enough to rupture the tumors and as he plummets back to earth at up to 200mph,he slows to 100mph just before he hits the water below. Some birds simply explode with the air pressur, others are killed on impact with the water surface, but the majority, while stunned, survive and allow the current to wash them to shore. There , they spend up to ten days recovering and during this period they pluck out their plumage.
The air pressure ruptures their tumors, the water washes and cleanses all of the damaged tissue and by plucking their feathers out, it allows new growth to bring in all the new and strong plummage. They then return to their waiting mate and can live for as much as twenty years longer. ...excerpt from the book "For my Tommorrows" by Sonia Richardson
Isnt that an amazing fact....any wonder that God gave us that verse in scripture. When we push through our circumstances, through the things that bring us down , and press into God. ...When we push aside everything that holds us back and press into is then that we are given renewed strength and the energy to keep going. It takes a lot of hard work to push aside and throw behind us the weight and cares of this world and yet when we do , we get to touch the very atmosphere in which God lives, and are renewed by his spirit and restored by his strength.
My prayer is that Sonia will continue to soar on wings of eagles , though the sickness in her body would try to take her out ....that she would be restored to do the work that God has called her to do.
I also pray that we all will run to God with our concerns , our worries, our burdens and our sicknesses. Gods promise is that He will renew our strength and that we too will soar like eagles . Amen
God bless you all and have a great day. Next time you see an Eagle watch him soar!!! Jewell x
written Saturday, September 15, 2007
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