My favourite Quote from the movie is when Franscesca Johnson shares her heart with Robert Kincaid.
Francesca: "When a woman makes the choice to marry, to have children; in one way her life begins but in another way it stops. You build a life of details. You become a mother; a wife and you stop and stay steady so that your children can move. And when they leave they take your life of details with them. And then you're expected move again only you don't remember what moves you because no one has asked in so long. Not even yourself.'
I am sure women all over the world have felt these feelings millions of times. The phrase we use today is called, "the empty nest syndrome." There is so much energy put into raising a family, that there is little time left for us Mums. But.children .grow.up.and move on, and then you ask yourself, now what?
I have to admit I have asked myself the same question. It all began when my 3 eldest boys grew up and moved away from home. Even today, I still haven't yet fully recovered from the pain in my heart of not seeing my boys stepping wearily out of bed each morning. Maybe I never will completely recover from it. God has been doing a lot of work in me lately.. like working overtime, as he gently teaches me the very fine art of 'letting go'.
With a new season just about to start in my life,God quietly whispers to my heart...Jewell,what if the best was yet to come???
This question brings with it expectation, curiosity and more questions as my mind begins reeling with what ifs? scenarios. Again ... he gently speaks to me and says... 'Rest Jewell, no more striving.. no more trying to figure things out your way....Trust me... one step at a time. As you listen .learn and rest in me , I will give you the desires of your heart.'
So here I wait , in quietness and trust that my God has plans for me that no ear has heard and no heart has imagined.. I need to just stop and rest in Him.
To all you Mums who have been down this path already.. I take my hat off to you.. I applaud you and ask for any tips for us younger Mums, that may help ease the pains, as we learn to let our children go, to be all that they are called to be.
The world often SHOUTS.."This is as Good as it gets!"....
.but God whispers.....
"What if the best is yet to come????"
1 comment:
Thank you dear one. I needed to read that And be reminded that he knows the desires of my heart. He loves me and the best is yet to come. X
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