As I sit here in the early hours of the morning with the song Lord of Lords (Hillsong) playing in my ears, I dwell on how holy is our Lord. How precious is our Lord. To think that he drew me with his everlasting love , even as he calls you now to come closer to him. His love is all consuming. He promises to be a Husband to the widow and a Father to the fatherless.. He has been that to me. He is that to me. My husband and I separated a couple of years ago and are remaining reconciled as an offering to the Lord. During this time My Lord holds me close and fills me with his love. I have never known such a pure love. He continually showers me with his love and it makes my eyes weep just at the thought of him.
I have been in this place before. When my former husband left our family home. Myself,several weeks pregnant with my eldest 5yrs, next one 3 yrs and youngest son 15mnths.All those years ago the Lord truly became my childrens Father and my husband. I had never known such a fulfilling love until that time. Even now I ache to be in his presence like that again. I understand the scripture "to live is Christ, and to die is gain".Oh, Lord help me to walk every day in your presence. Keep me close to your side..I want to feel your breath on my cheek.
I know I have a work here on this earth, to bring my children up in the ways of the Lord and to teach them how to fight the enemy. We all have a task set before us....but oh, at the end of this race.... what a beautiful prize we will have.
To look into his face and to see him smile at me as he holds me tight ...that is all the reward I will need.
I pray for you, and I ask that you pray for that we can remain strong and all finish the race that has been set before us.
One day we will join together with the saints and all worship him saying Holy Lord, you are holy. Jesus Christ is the Lord.......Holy Holy Holy...Unto the Lamb who sits on the throne, be glory and honour and praise.Amen
God bless you all and nigh nigh sweet dreams, Jewell x
(written 09 Jul 2007)
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