Well this morning I left home at 4 am to drive to Sydney International airport to pick up my Mum.
She has been in Saudi Arabia for almost 2 years and I have missed her terribly ,as have the children.
She is my best friend, she understands me ,loves me unconditionally and I adore her.
It is almost as if at times we are one...we have a similar sense of humour , and always finish each others sentences.
Sometimes I know exactly what she is about to say...we know the songs we are both referring to,share memories and sayings that no one else can understand..and laugh at each other when everyone is standing there unaware of what is going on.
I thank My God for my Mum everyday. She has been through some mighty battles...some of which I was with her through...and she still gives generously, hopes,loves and believes all things.
When I hear people complaining about troubles in their lives and they do not stand strong...it troubles me. I realised the other day that I have always taken strength to face certain obstacles for granted.
Strength was always something role modelled to me by Mum. Not deliberately ,but by seeing it in action. Mum would always be overcoming in all areas of her life. She was molested at a young age, a battered wife by an alcoholic husband who flew into rages at any given moment, and a single Mum who did her best to raise 3 young girls whilst sometimes working 2 jobs.
I always knew she loved me and she would bless me with big and little blessings from time to time . Simple things like putting a fresh vase of Jasmine in spring on my dressing table. The smell would permeate my room making me feel pretty and feminine. Even today, Jasmine still takes me back to a safe place where my room was pretty and I felt beautiful.
Memories are the best things we can leave our children. My childhood memories are mixed with some horrid times...my sisters , my Mum and I hiding in a cupboard awaiting my Fathers return home from work...we would gage his footsteps and murmors when he came in. Most of the time we would escape through a bedroom window as Dad found our hiding spots , only to have him chase us and drag Mum home by her hair and he would beat her mercilessly.There were also times when I would witness my mother being kicked and beaten until she lay there unable to move ,bruised and bleeding body, whilst my Father yelled abuse over her. I would always run to her aid and she would tell me that "things would be better tommorrow".
Some tommorrows were better but the majority were not and finally Mum found the courage inside herself to leave my Father for good.
She taught me how to love despite your pain...and to always put on a brave face as there was always someone worse off then ourselves.
Statistics were against us.....but Mums love pulled us through. I didnt know it at the time but I also believe that Gods hand was upon us all and despite the pain he kept us all from dying.
My Father is now an old man...and is very repentant for what he did. He has led a self inflicted life of pain and suffering, believing that he did not deserve anything else for what he put his family through.He has been isolated from us for many years. I keep in contact with him through phone calls and he has been to my house twice in 10 years. I have forgiven my Father, but he cannot forgive himself. He continually asks God to forgive him , but feels very unworthy of accepting forgiveness.He lives a very lonely life and he would have it no other way.
My Mother , however is surrounded by her family who love her. She is adored and cherished and knows how much she is loved. Her battles in earlier life have been replaced with a peace and love and joy that passes all understanding. She knows that she is loved unconditionally and she also knows that she has left a huge legacy for her children and Grandchildren.
To all of you Mums out there, never underestimate the power of your love for your child. Despite troubles and hardship, mistakes and pain..if your children know that they are loved you have done the job that God has called you to do.They will grow up strong and courages ....
If you are blessed enough to have found faith in Jesus, and you can share your faith with your children as well.....Well you have just had a major role in raising a child warrior. A child who through your and Christs love Can Truly Do All THings Through Christ Who Will Strengthen Them!...Strong and Courages in Life....Always knowing that they have been created for such a time as this. They will know their place in this world and it will be hand in hand with our Lord Jesus as they battle everything that Satan and this world will bring against them. They will be more then Conquerors! More then Warriors...For They have Been Created For A Purpose....For such a Time As This!
So Mums if you do anything today , dont forget the most important thing you can do in your childs life.....Tell them You love them , Model to them a Victors life...and equip them with the knowledge of who they are in Christ....Time is short and there is so many people perishing everyday who do not know the saving love of Our Saviour.
This is our purpose on earth........that all will come to know the love of God.....I will pray for you...and you pray for me ....us Mums,we have been called to do a mighty job...not only for this generation, but for those yet to come!
We were born for such a time as this!
Take courage and stand firm in love...and remember...
The Creator of The Universe Is On YOur Side!
God bless, Jewell xxx
written Friday, September 28, 2007
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