Saturday, September 04, 2010

I have a dream!

I have a dream.
I dream of a church in my community with a redemptive heart.
A church where people could go and be truly loved for who they are ...not for what they do or don't do.
A place where a young teenage boy could openly share his addiction to pornography and that he would find others applaud his courage and honesty and come alongside him to help him combat his addiction , rather then scold and shun him.
I have a dream.
Where the drug addict, the prostitute, the homeless and the lonely would be embraced and loved on , in a way that would bring them undone. I have a dream. Where the homosexual , the hetrosexual , the bisexual, the adulterer would be all treated the same. Where the lines are erased and search and rescue teams go out to bring His Love, His Hope, His Grace and His mercy to a dying world. Where walls of judgement and gossip are no longer built and previous walls actively pulled down brick by brick.
I have a dream.
That on entry through the doors of this church , the person would feel the tangible, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of the Father.
I have a dream.
Right now in pockets around the world these churches are rising up... Quest Community Church , NewSpring Church, Transformation House. Cross Point Community Church, Crossroads Church.These churches are just a few of these redemptive communities that are loving a dying world to Him. These churches are modelled on the early church described in Acts 2:42-47 . Its time! Its time to build more of these churches in our communities . Never before has the world needed to hear about the unconditional love of our Saviour then now. For years people in church have judged and condemned anybody who doesnt think like them, or behave the same as them. For years people in churches have ignored and judged the very people Jesus brought them to love and embrace . If you have gone to one of these churches where you have been met with condemnation or you have been ignored, I am sorry.. its not how Jesus intended HIS church to be.
Churches of this new "UPRISING" are going to be popping up all over the place.You will know them They will feel different.
Christians, WE are responsible for THIS Generation of Souls.
Its time for us to shake things up and love the way that Jesus had always intended us to love.
(If your church is one of these churches , please name them here... it would be great for others to be able to come and visit) Jewell x

theUprising from theUprising on Vimeo.

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