Saturday, September 04, 2010

You have no idea that you even have tommorrow!! Its time to respond to these questions...

You might know about Jesus but do you know HIM.
Do you really know Him and does He know you?
I dare you to move , to look at these questions below and answer them honestly.
In order to believe something we need to have evidence.
With Heaven and Hell hanging in the balance we really need to look at the evidence of our spiritual life.
Examine the evidence and DO something about it..
God made us to love HIM but there are barriers between us and God.
Fear, voices from the past, wrong information of who he is, pride, will all keep us from really knowing him.
Lets break it down.......
There are 5 Marks of a Follower of Jesus.

Answer these questions honestly and then respond .

The 5 Marks :
1. Do you have a clear moment of the time when you accepted Jesus forgiveness into your heart and when you gave him your life?

2. Did you experience a change since that moment and do you now have a desire to follow and obey God.

3. Do you have a lasting joy that operates independantly to your circumstances?

4. Do you feel permanently forgiven of past, present and future sins?

5. Are you fully confident that you will go to Heaven and fully aware of what happens next?
Do you have the confidence that you know Jesus and that he knows you ?

The Bible tells us that we can know without a doubt .
These questions are so important , and you need to answer them while your heart is still beating this side of Eternity.

Look at the evidence of your answers to these questions and then you have a choice of 3 responses.


1st response: Blow it off! You do nothing about it at all, after all, these questions make you feel uncomfortable and you dont really care much about it anyway.

2nd response: Roll the dice. Say ...look I hear what you are saying, but I have my own take on this as the voice of pride says, "I'm going my own way, I'm pretty sure I have figured this thing out, I will take my chances , roll the dice and do nothing.

3rd response: Do something about it..

Test yourself.
Does the evidence in your life prove that you are a follower of Christ?.
This deserves a response.
Heaven and Hell are real places and the choices that we make here on earth determine where we will spend our eternity. If we know Christ and He knows us we will spend our eternity with him if not we will spend it apart from him in Hell.

Do you know that he doesn’t want your spiritual resume (all that you have done ) nor does he want you to be good enough. He doesn’t want you to clean yourself up , he doesn’t want you to come to church, he doesn’t want your money, he doesn’t want you to behave to make him happy, he just wants...YOU!
Stop running around doing things that you think will make him happy and just give Him you. He just wants your heart.
Yes just YOU!
HE made YOU to LOVE YOU , so that you can have a relationship with him and be with him one day for all Eternity.
My prayer is that you will do something about it, not just so you can see the people that have gone to heaven before you , but that you can meet Jesus as he really is. He made you to love you .. its the reason you exist!

To Give your heart to Jesus and recieve His forgiveness and Spirit you can talk to him and tell him something like this....

I know that I have sinned, messed up and ignored you in this life and I need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins on the cross. I want to turn from my sins and give my life to you. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior.Help me to be able to do that as I recieve your gift of eternal life from you.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

*If you prayed this prayer,please let me know. I would love to chat with you. Jewellx



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