But know this ...God is pursuing every one of us , even now.
For some they may sense him in the setting of the sun, others may sense him as they walk along the beach..some see the proof of Gods existence when they look into the face of their children......
For me personally , I first sensed him in the hopelessness and heartache of my Nannas death.
One thing is for certain ......you will sense him or feel him at various times in your life.
Once you sense him, you have 2 choices.
You can merely ignore him and just keep walking through life or you can choose to stop, acknowledge him and take a step closer to him.
How do you do that?
Go to someone who has experienced and knows God for themselves .
God always places people in your path that know Him ,so that they can steer you toward him or introduce you to Him.
Go to someone who you trust , someone who is real with their faith.
By real .. I mean someone who isnt religious .
(You can tell the difference.)
Oh and remember... the next time you look at a sunset ...or stand on the top of a mountain...close your eyes for a minute and breathe in..... that day just might be the day that you sense and feel Him standing there next to you ♥ ♥ ♥
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