After my recent upset..I decided to sit with the Lord and journal my feelings about what was happening in the world.
As I started writing the Lord gave me a vision. It brought me great comfort . I was sitting in my lougeroom and wrote it down as the picture came into my mind..I hope it brings you all peace too.
6th October 2006
Dear Lord,
The world surely is a sad place. I ache to be with you Father.
I see your beauty in your creation-it is springtime and my garden is full of glorious flowers.
Each one so beautiful and each one different from the other. My flowers shout out your love for me.Their fragrance takes me to some far off place- a place where there is peace and love ,and children running through meadows.Where streams run high and water the valley.
The valley is green and lush. There is an abundance of wildlife and people bare feet, walking on this beautiful soft grass. Children are safe and there is no talk of violence nor pain-just the poignant smell of Jasmine and Roses wafting through the air.
Is this how it will be Father?I feel in my heart it is,just a glimpse of your world,heaven,your home for us.
Steve Irwin tending the wild creatures- his smile has never been bigger. There are no endangered species,no need to fret about the safety of these creatures. Everything is safe in your world.
The Amish children wash their feet in your crystal stream. They splash water on each other as they laugh.They pick flowers and run them to their Grandparents and Great Grandparents.
A small baby enters into this meadow,carried in the arms of an Angel.
A little boy who had been so mistreated by his earthly Father.The Angel passes the baby to the Shepherd,Our Saviour Jesus Christ. Safe in the everloving arms of our Shepherd.
The Shepherd passes the little one into the arms of the Father.
He looks old,soft and tender hearted- his face is the very essence of love.
He smiles as he holds the babys face next to his cheek.
The baby sleeps, unaware that he is having an audience with the Kingof Kings and The Lord of Lords.
The Father sheds a tear and it drops on the face of this little one. The baby awakes as the tear rolls down his body. This tear rejuvenates every partof the babys damaged body, every bruise, every broken bone, every cell is restored to perfection. One tear from the Father and the baby is made whole.
Elvis sings "There will be peace in the valley" and a myriad of Angels accompany him.
Johnny Cash walks on by-no longer wearing black but in a white suit-harmonising beautifully.
I see my Nanna, Dorothy, sitting on a rock in the middle of the stream- her dressed hitched up to her knees as she dips her toes into the cool water. My Pop, Cliff, stands behind her as he rests his hands on her shoulders. They are young again in their early 20's and yet still easy recognizable as my Nanna and Pop.
My uncle ,John, walks up and puts his arm around Pops shoulder- they look at each other and smile.
Peace overflows this valley.
Sam and Leila, my Great Grandparents are there too. Although Nanna has long hair- there
is no doubting who Pop is with his beautiful shiny wavy hair. Nanna is holding a baby.
The name Patsy comes into my mind.
We are truly not of this world, are we Father?
I know I dont belong here.
My children and I are here to lead many people to you; to this beautiful place I see before me.
Help me to cope with this world. Help my children and I to bring a taste of your peace to this world. I know this isnt the way you wanted the world to be.
I pray for your kingdom to come on earth as it is n heaven.
Lord may that time be near.. My heart breaks awqiting that time- when at last I will see you face to face.When that day happens I will be changed into your likeness and I will be as you are-pure spirit,purified and made clean by the righteousness of your son.
Then I will walk with you and talk with you-everything will become clear in the light of your glory and grace.
Equip me, fill me for this task on earth so my children,my childrens children and their children- from generation to generation will walk in your ways and know your love and everlasting kindness.
Sanctify us by the power of your blood.
I make a covenant with you Father that as for me and my house ,including all generations until the return of your loving son Jesus, will serve you all the days of our lives and help to bring a piece of your kingdom here on earth...Amen...It is so!
I declare it Father.....Jewell Drury 6th october 2006
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